20 Awesome and Mind Blowing Colorful Landscape Paintings by MADART

20 Awesome and Mind Blowing Colorful Landscape Paintings by MADART
Artist Statement
I am a self taught contemporary artist, living out my dream of being able to create beautiful art as a profession.  As long as I can remember I have been drawn to art and have always had a pencil or brush in hand.    

I am constantly trying to find my own unique space in a sea of artists. It is a daunting task, but I think with my new style of art, as seen on the pages of this website, I have finally found MY place. It's exhilarating and inspiring to feel as though I'm doing something totally new and different.  A style that I can grow with and explore all matter of subject and color.
I have endless ideas spinning through my mind, but not enough time to put them all on paper or canvas; such a shame life is so short,  but, I am trying to make the most of what little time I have to express myself artistically, and reach out to others with my art.  I am a highly prolific Artist and produce literally hundreds of paintings in a single year.  The more I paint the more prolific I become.

Click here to know more about her: website


  1. They are all so stunningly amazing that I can't pick just one!

  2. so bright and lively :) artist seems to be using painting knife along with brushes :)

  3. lovely shades.

  4. I hope you'll find some time to create some work, I'd love to see some of your own art displayed here on your blog too!


  5. Beautiful.

