Miquel was born in Ciutadella de Menorca in year 1969 in Spain. He is 4th Dan
in Karate and National Coach in the same discipline.
He has got an experience of
twenty years in that sport. At the same time he began to feel a certain
curiosity for painting and art in general. He happened to meet Pau Faner at gym
and as a result of their friendship he ended by attending some painting courses.
Curriculum:He attended courses by Alba Bosch and Rafael Jofre for seven years at the
Drawing and Painting School in Ciutadella. Nowadays he works on his own. In the
last few years he has been experimenting with human figure and with light in a
special way. As a result of such experiences he has received several awards,
Sant Jordi (Es Castell 2004), Sant Antoni-Sa Nostra (Menorca 2007) among them;
he has also been selected in important awards like BMW (Madrid 2004) and Torres
García (Mataró 2005) and pre-selected in the Contest of Figurative painting
Fundación de las artes (Marbella 2006).
in Karate and National Coach in the same discipline.
He has got an experience of
twenty years in that sport. At the same time he began to feel a certain
curiosity for painting and art in general. He happened to meet Pau Faner at gym
and as a result of their friendship he ended by attending some painting courses.
Curriculum:He attended courses by Alba Bosch and Rafael Jofre for seven years at the
Drawing and Painting School in Ciutadella. Nowadays he works on his own. In the
last few years he has been experimenting with human figure and with light in a
special way. As a result of such experiences he has received several awards,
Sant Jordi (Es Castell 2004), Sant Antoni-Sa Nostra (Menorca 2007) among them;
he has also been selected in important awards like BMW (Madrid 2004) and Torres
García (Mataró 2005) and pre-selected in the Contest of Figurative painting
Fundación de las artes (Marbella 2006).
Institutions that have his works
City council ``Es castell´´
Foundation ``Sa nostra Balears
City council ``Es castell´´
Foundation ``Sa nostra Balears